
Title: Japanese Moon no 1

In this series I will present only photos of the moon. On 27th of april 2021 early in the morning the exceptional condition occurred of a super full moon, next time will be next century. A super full moon is when the full moon in its orbit is nearest to the earth, and thus looks larger. In the late evening before I made these photos. This first one is in B&W as is comes from the camera. Next photos are styled in a ‘Japanese’ way with soft colours. There are only moons in this series. All pictures are taken with a Leica TL2 camera with a Leica Vario Elmar R 70-200mm with an Leica Exterder R 2x, which makes on an ASPC camera for a max of 600mm full frame equivalent. I advise to look at it full screen, and let the colour combinations sink in. Have fun!